Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Welcome to my blog. Although I don't imagine anyone would read any of my posts, if you are here, enjoy! Maybe I'll say something that will spark something in you or inspire you in some way. This blog is my way of exercising my writing chops and at the same time allowing me to write some of my musings on life.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, your questions about writing are so on target. Those writers at the writers meetings do make it sound so easy sometimes. Maybe they're afraid to admit the insecurity that affects each of us. Or maybe they are 1. nonfiction writers, where setting goals and accomplishing them might be easier, or 2. genre fiction writers where the support groups tell them on which page to put the first sex scene and whre there's a specific formula for writing.

    For me, getting stuck is a common occurrence. There's no way out of it but to write about it, journal it, see how other writers' works deal with the same thing, give up on it for a while and write something else--myriad approaches. I'm at that point today. I'll probably look at a favorite writer's work and see how that person sucks me in with the writing, see if I can do it too with my story. See my review on Goodreads.com about Ann Patchett's "What Now?"--great little book. But if the critique group has too much criticism, find another one. Better yet, yoke yourself to a workshop leader whose fiction you admire, establish networks with others you're comfortable with. Good luck!
