Saturday, April 11, 2009

Running out of time...

What is it about vacation that really puts your life in perspective?

There are no "to dos" there are no errands, there isn't even a house to clean up.  That must be it.  Vacation just takes her arms and sweeps it across the proverbial table, knocking everything off and out of sight.  A blank slate of sorts.

Add to that the mental relaxation and physical relaxation that you get on vacation and there you have it; pure you...and your life.

I don't want to have a cluttered house anymore, I want my house to be more like my dad's (where we just spent our spring break) where everything has a purpose and if it doesn't, it get's thrown out or donated.  Visual clarity.

I want to have the freedom of time to do what I want, when I want.  If I need to go to the store, I just hop in the car and go.  I don't have to calculate how much time I have to go based on the other commitments and obligations that I need to be back in time for.  And, if I see a garage sale on the way back, I can stop.  There's no bargaining in my brain whether or not it's a good idea or not to I really need anything else, I wonder if they have a table that I'd like to use to put in the den or do I have enough time in the week to refinish anything I might buy?  

Vacations eliminate that mental clutter, the mental white noise that is always there.  The buzz of obligations, must-dos and have-tos that is always running around in my head.  It makes you want to move to the place that you're vacationing in, but I'm sure the mental buzz would eventually follow you, as you set up living in the new place.  

It even helps you get along with your spouse better.  New surroundings and no chores really allow you to focus on what's important.  Everyone seems relaxed around you.  Laughter is even more readily heard.

So, my job this next few months is to find a way to get rid of that buzzing sound.  Clean the house, get rid of clutter and really live.  I mean LIVE.  Yes, I still have to hold on to a job, but I must find a way to clear that place up too.  It causes me too much stress and everything in my life is suffering because of it.  

I saw a shirt while on vacation with a simple statement:  "In search of Balance" and it had on it a picture of a hammock on one side and a desk on the other.  If they had my size at the time, I'd have gotten it as a constant reminder of what is really important.

So, wish me luck.  It will be very difficult to do, but I'm in it for the long haul.  The only buzzing I want to hear anymore is the bees as they fly from one flower to the next in that garden of mine I plan to sit in.